Bliss Charity

Bliss Safeguarding Team

LauraMrs. Laura White – Headteacher


SueMrs. Caller - Reception Teacher

EmmaMrs. Howard - School Secretary

MelMrs. Sharp - Senco



What to do if you're concerned about a child:

If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999.

If you have a concern about a child who is not in immediate danger, please do not hesitate to speak to a DSL during school hours on 01327 340758

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Laura White, Deputy Designated safeguarding Leads: Sue Caller, Emma Howard and Mel Sharp.

If you are worried about a child outside of school time, you can contact the local Multi Agency Support Hub (MASH) for advice (anonymously if needs be) on 0300 126 7000.

For additional information, please use the links below:

Northamptonshire Children's Trust




NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (24 hours, every day)



Action for Children 

Northamptonshire Children's Trust - Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership help safeguard and promote the welfare of children in Northamptonshire.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.  We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  The Bliss Charity School is a safe place for children, where our responsibilities for safeguarding children are taken seriously.

Our policies and agreed practices for child protection, health and safety, behaviour management, attendance and looked after children all comply with the recommendations for safeguarding children at school.  We have trained designated safeguarding leaders and a designated governor with responsibility for child safeguarding at the school.  We have policies to manage potential allegations against staff, whistleblowing and the use of physical intervention.

There is a strong anti-bullying ethos evident throughout the school.  We teach our children how to recognise bullying, how to keep themselves safe from bullying behaviour and how to report it.  We listen to our children.

Through our curriculum we teach the children about personal safety, and how to keep themselves safe from harm. Our curriculum includes opportunities to discuss feelings and emotions, and helps our children to think about their own personal safety and their rights as individuals to be kept safe from harm.

We have clear guidance for pupils, teachers and parents to help children to use the internet (including social medial) safely and responsibly.

Our staff recruitment policies and practices are rigorous and comply with safe recruitment and selection requirements.  We always pursue identity checks and qualification checks and we take up and scrutinise written references before confirming employment.  We require clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before employing any staff, in addition to pursuing ISA list checks, this includes supply teachers, agency staff, and outside club and coaching staff.

The governing body are regularly updated about child protection, bullying and safeguarding policies and practices by the Headteacher and Local Authority training.

It is the responsibility of every adult in this school to ensure that we maintain the highest level of awareness about possible unsafe practices and deal with any issues immediately and appropriately.


WNC / The Bliss Charity School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (2023-2024)

 The Bliss Charity School Staff Code of Conduct (2023-2024)

 The Bliss Charity School Whistle-blowing Policy (2023-2024)

 The Bliss Charity School Safeguarding Advice for Visitors