Bliss Charity

Key Files and Reports


Values and Ethos

Mission Statement

The Bliss Charity School aims to provide a caring, secure and enriching experience; each child is encouraged to develop strong personal, academic, physical and creative skills for lifelong learning. 


The Curriculum at Bliss

We have a page dedicated to curriculum delivery. Please follow this link or go to the Information tab and curriculum is in the list below it.


Behaviour and Anti-bullying

We have a page dedicated to our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy. Please follow this link or go to the Information tab and behaviour is in the list below. 


Charging and Remissions policy

A downloadable copy of the Charging Policy is available on the side bar of this page.


Equality Information

A downloadable copy of the our equality information and objectives is available on the side bar of this page.


Financial Information

Number of staff who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more  0 
Number of staff who have a gross annual salary of less than £100,000.  24


Please follow this link for schools financial benchmarking -



We have a page dedicated to our Governors. Please follow this link or go to Our School, Governors.

School policies are written and reviewed by school subject leaders and the senior management team. The policies are then reviewed by all staff, often at a staff meeting.

Policies are then reviewed by the governors on the Resources or Curriculum committee and consultation with parents (where appropriate). When everyone is agreed the policy is adopted by the Full Governing Body and signed by the Chair.

All school policies are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The school has a rolling program for review of policies.  If you would like a paper copy, please ask at the office.