Bliss Charity


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Admissions arrangements

The Bliss Charity School is a nondenominational aided primary school for children aged 4+ to 11.

We have a planned admission number of 30 children into Reception (the 4+ age group).

Our Admissions Policy is based on the following advice from the Department for Education (DfE):

A child reaches compulsory school age on the prescribed day following his or her fifth birthday (or on his or her fifth birthday if it falls on a prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31 December, 31 March and 31 August.

The Admissions Policy for The Bliss Charity School for 2023-2024 was written in collaboration with the Admissions Team at West Northamptonshire Council.

The Normal Admissions Round

Normal point of entry (Reception), using the Common Application Form (CAF) provided by West Northamptonshire Council. 

Parents/carers will receive an offer for a school place directly from West Northamptonshire Council on National Offer Day (16th April or the next working day).

To apply for a place through West Northamptonshire Council, please visit

In-year Admissions

An in-year admission refers to an application for a school place made during the school year or an application for admission to a school made at the start of the school year for any year group other than the normal year of entry.

If the school’s published admission number has been reached in a child’s year group, we will not be able to offer a place at the school. Parents/carers can ask for their child’s name to be added to the waiting lists (see below for more information).

An application for in-year admissions should be made online to West Northamptonshire Council; please visit

Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are held for all year groups by The Bliss Charity School.

Following an unsuccessful application, parents/carers can request that their child’s name be placed on the waiting list.

Waiting lists will be cleared at the end of each school term. If you wish your child’s name to remain on the waiting list for the remainder of the academic year, you will need to inform The Bliss Charity School, in writing, by the start of each subsequent term (i.e. during the Christmas and Easter breaks) to renew your interest (this should be by email to ).  A new admissions application will need to be made via for a new academic year.

When a place becomes available it will be filled by one of the pupils on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed in section 4.2 of the policy. Priority will not be given to children on the basis that they have been on the waiting list the longest and children being allocated places under the Fair Access Protocol will be given priority. 

For more detail about admission to The Bliss Charity School, please see our policy.


Places Available 

We have places available across the school, please contact us for a tour.

Admissions for September 2024 are now open, it would be lovely to see you for a tour of our wonderful school.

For further information please call the office on 01327 340758

or email