Bliss Charity

Coming Up...

17 Jul
Leavers Service for Class 6 at Church
Date 17.07.2024 09:30 - 10:30
19 Jul
School closes - Summer holidays
19.07.2024 15:15 - 15:15
25 Jul
Summer holidays
25.07.2024 - 30.08.2024

E-Safety Support

Online Safety

Online Safety Resources to Support Parents/Carers and Pupils

There are a range of resources on this page – many of which have been produced by Northamptonshire County Council’s Online Safety Online Safetyand Wellbeing Officer – to help parents/carers support their children online.  At a time when we are all accessing digital platforms more frequently, it is so important to help young people manage their online choices and behaviours.  For more information about the most popular sites, apps and games that young people use, please visit


Is My Child Ready for Social Media? - click here for some helpful tips


Age Ratings

Online Safety T3





The winners of the 2022 internet safety poster competition are Jack and Jaz in Class 6.

2022 Esafety poster JMR

2022 Esafety poster JD

The winner of the 2020 internet safety poster competition is Lydia in Class 6.

Esafety 2020


The winner of the 2019 internet safety poster competition was Beatrice in Class 6.

ESafety poster


The winner of the 2018 internet safety poster competition was Amber in Class 5.

2018 Internet Safety poster