Bliss Charity

Class 6 Learning Resources

Class 6 Information

Coming Up...

14 Mar
Class 5 Swimming
Date 14.03.2025 12:30 - 14:30
21 Mar
Class 5 Swimming
21.03.2025 12:30 - 14:30

Kingswood - Thursday morning

Good morning everyone,

It is a glorious day here and children are riding quad bikes before a visit to the beach - it is sunblock and shades as order of the day.

For any parents who have forgotten that delightful musty, fusty aroma of slowly rotting clothing, do not worry; it will all come flooding back (literally) when you open some of the suitcases on Friday. One or two have aired clothing but the majority of wet clothes, despite suggestions to the contrary, have been forcibly stuffed into bags ready for packing. No air and no chance of drying out. Enjoy!!!

However, to more important matters. We all had an amazing day with so much packed in and culminating with 'movie night' and a trip to the 'rip-off' shop to spend our pennies. At least they are learning about monopolies and supply and demand. The children slept through again with no disturbances at all. Today after the beach we have more adventures and tonight it is slick back hair time and prettiest frocks for the disco. The children are all moaning about where the time has gone and about coming home so quickly. Not heard the same from the teachers, but we have enjoyed the company of our lovely class so much.

Anyway I will try and send one more update.

Best wishes and love from all here.....

Mr S, Mr J and Mrs B


Hello from a very wet Kingswood but we hear that Nether Heyford is even wetter.

The difference being that we have been outdoors all day. We keep hearing that Norfolk folk have webbed feet and we think we know why!

Despite this everyone has taken part and morale has remained extremely high. Plenty of cheering and encouragement as everyone took on the challenges to the best of their ability.

So far we have completed more bush craft, more 'leaps of faith' and even more lazer and orienteering. The mission maker programmes are nearly ready to come back with us and our clothes are completely sodden.

Tonight is more activity before our much awaited visit to the beach tomorrow. We have packed extra sunblock just in case!

I can not believe how happy everyone is and I think they will be very sad to leave on Friday but pleased to get home to dry clothes and more sympathy than we can muster.

More news tomorrow.....

Mr S, Mr J and Mrs B