Bliss Charity

Class 6 Learning Resources

Class 6 Information

Coming Up...

16 Jan
Young Voices 2025
Date 16.01.2025 12:00 - 22:30
17 Jan
Class 5 Swimming
17.01.2025 12:30 - 14:30
21 Jan
C3 Walk out Tuesday
21.01.2025 14:50 - 15:05
24 Jan
Class 5 Swimming
24.01.2025 12:30 - 14:30
27 Jan

Thursday 2nd March

Good morning from sunny (but windy) Kingswood!

Yesterday was great. Poor Ruby had a rude 'happy birthday' awakening and leap of faith day had arrived!!!

All of the children were fantastic - children climbed up the tower as far as they felt comfortable. For some, this was half way, for others it was up to the platform (Brandon, Ruben, Keira and Charli were chuffed to bits with getting so far and being scared of heights); for the acrobatic dare-devils, it meant clambering up onto the platform, standing up, inching towards the edge and then leaping off whilst trying to grab the bar. Olivia was thrilled with herself for being such a risk-taker as were Oscar H, Eve, Freya, Oscar R, Billie, Jen, De Sharai, Fin, Lily, Jenna.

After all the excitement, it was time for some of us to do bushcraft. Miles and Eve loved it and got very stuck in to keeping their fires burning! There were lots of problem solving challenges too - Jenna was completely absorbed! 

Both groups took part in nightline - very amusing for the teachers watching. Children had blindfolds and had to lead each other over obstacles. Jen and Kyle displayed excellent team work, as did Charlie C and De Sharai. Seeing Charlie dangling over some tyres with his legs in the air and a massive smile on his face was classic! 

We had birthday cake at tea and all sang happy birthday before racing back to the dorms to get ready for the D I S C O!! Seb, Tate, Theo and Brandon burnt up the dance floor with some help from Tilly, Billie and Jen. 

After all the excitement, it didn't take long after our story and lights out for them all to be sending up little snores!! 

We're currently tearing around in buggies. Fun fun fun!

Sorry about lack of tweets - the wifi is not good!!

See you all tomorrow,

The Kingswood crew 

(P.S. Sausages might not be well received for dinner tomorrow - children have eaten rather a lot of them!!)